My Spine

My Spine
My Spine

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Out and about

I woke up this morning and did a little walking. I'm trying to use my pedometer more so that I can see if I'm actually reaching my goal of 1 mile a day. For lunch I ate some grilled cheese and took some of my medications. I've been taking less of them as the weeks go by. I know there's always a chance of dependency, and I don't want to risk taking medicine when I really don't need it. Thankfully, the past few days have been better than last week. My hip pain today was actually bearable. Mom, Dad, and I got dressed and headed to Cape to run a few errands. First, we went to Target and saw some family friends while getting a chai latte. I sat down in an arm-less chair and got up with Dad's assistance. It was good to see someone I knew in public. It was quite strange being around so many people since I'm used to being in a house with no more than 5 people. I know it sounds crazy, but being in public can be pretty intimidating when nobody knows your situation and could bump into you at any moment. I had to constantly be on the lookout all around me so that I wouldn't either trip and fall or hit someone as I walk ever so slowly. Once again the looks on people's faces showed their confusion as to why it took me so long to get from one place to another. Regardless, it was good to feel normal again for a little bit. Getting some walking in while being somewhere other than the house was nice. A change of scenery is always good. We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner, and I lost my appetite for some reason. I was able to sit in a regular chair without arm rests. Yay for small victories, hehe. I ate some veggies, but couldn't stomach much more. My eating habits have been so strange lately. I feel sorry for my parents who have to keep up with me needing one thing one moment and another the next. I'm way more needy than I ever realized, haha. We came back to the house, and I've been working on applications online ever since (as usual). I'm going to go take a shower before heading to bed. I'm going to church for the first time since the surgery tomorrow, and I hope I can make it all of the way through. C'mon sleep and pain meds, don't fail me now. I'm excited to go since it's been too long. Anywho, I'm out of here. Good night!

Update post-shower: The five remaining steri strips are now gone from my incision. Now it's just time for the scar to heal. I'll take a picture for documentation. :)

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